Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Break...Pantheon Institute Style

While most US colleges students were gearing up for the same old, alcohol splattered, I did what, dude, Spring Break in some sunny foreign resort mostly resembling a frat house, Pantheon Institute students were preparing their Spring break assault on Europe. Like the song goes, Rome, London, Paris, Pantheon Institute students packed up their sacks and headed out in all directions for this ten-day pause from class. From Barcelona to Amsterdam to Ireland, they had the great opportunity of exploring other parts of Europe, only adding to their knowledge, experience and learning. With many destinations only a short plane ride away, students enjoyed the opportunity to visit two or three countries over the course of their break taking in the various cultures that spread out over the continent. Something that makes studying at the Pantheon Institute all the rave; unforgettable Spring Break in Europe, dude!

Photos courtesy of Paige Landry,
Pantheon Institute/ConnColl

Spring 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Central Location in Rome Makes a Difference

The Pantheon Institute is spread out over a number of buildings in the historic center of Rome. Among its most treasured locations is the center located in one of the Doria Pamphilji Palazzi located on the Piazza Navona adjacent to Borromini’s masterpiece, the Sant’Agnese in Agone church. Students have dorms, study rooms and even classes in the palazzo where the monuments of historic Rome are literally on their doorstep. In addition to the Navona Center, the Pantheon Institute’s faculty and administration building is located on Via del Pantheon on the Piazza della Rotunda where the Roman architectural marvel, the Pantheon, has stood for nearly 2000 years. Finally, students enjoy the characteristic Roman quarter of Trastevere with additional Pantheon Institute dorms located right on the Tiber river just a short walk away from the Institute.If you interested in studying abroad in Rome and live day-to-day in the historic center of the Eternal City with experienced and dedicated professors coupled by unparalleled student services, the Pantheon Institute is the obvious and only choice.