Even in Ancient Rome a day dedicated to women was celebrated. March 8 was one of the first of the springtime festae, a day sacred to Ariadne, whom Thesius had abandoned on the Island of Naxos after promising to marry her if she helped him slay her father's pet Minotaur. Seduced and abandoned, she was a prototype for ancient Mediterranean womanhood.
On March 8th 1857, women of New York gathered to hold their first protest for improved work conditions and raised wages. March 8th 1908, another historical moment for women took place in New York, fifteen thousand women protested shorter hours, better pay and voting rights. Finally as of March 8th 1975, the United Nations declared this day an International Women’s Day.
Authorities don't agree how or why, but the custom started in Italy -- some sources say in Rome in 1946 -- of men giving their wives, mothers, daughters, and other women friends sprigs of bright yellow Mimosa flowers on March 8. Women have since also started to give Mimosa to each other. The flowers are intended as a sign of respect for the women and also an expression of solidarity with the women in their support for oppressed women worldwide.
What is it that we women were so desperately trying to obtain? We wanted to be equal to men: to work, be entrepreneurs, deal with financial problems, etc. We have achieved all that we sought after. Are we happy now?
Alas, women can never be completely satisfied. We are too smart for our own good. Today we lack the most important element of life – TIME! We are so busy with that which we sought so hard to achieve. Today we must deal with our work and financial status, but no one took away our inherited responsibility for our family and children….
Don't give up! Happy Women's day to all!!