The Pantheon Institute offices are silent and empty…and it feels quite strange for us since we usually work in close contact with the students! We are now getting ready to welcome the kids back and we have already planned a series of extra-curricular activities for them.
First of all, we have scheduled a fantastic wine tasting on Monday night in a very charming wine shop that is just few steps away from Campo de Fiori. The students will have the chance to learn how to taste wines and how to combine them with different kinds of food thanks to the help and the experience of the wine shop owner.
On Tuesday night, instead, the Pantheon Institute kids will once again play soccer against some students from the Roma Tre university... Who is going to win this time?
The last activity that the students services staff has organized is a beautiful bike
tour on the Appia Antica on Friday, December 3rd.The students will have the possibility of relaxing and spend a day away from the traffic and the smog of the city before concentrating on their final exams…definitely an activity not to miss!

Of course, the semester will end with a farewell party, the right occasion to say…ARRIVEDERCI ROMA!