The students arrived on Monday, May 9th and they were welcomed at the Santa Maria in Cappella residence in Trastevere by the housing staff. The dorm offers a very unique space, especially in this season, as its garden is in bloom and full of beautiful roses and fruit trees.
On the following day, Tuesday May 10th, the students gathered at the studio of Via della Gatta for the orientation meetings. After Romolo Martemucci, the Pantheon Institute Director, presented the program and the staff to the students, each of them received a cell phone and then headed off to see the students services office in Via del Pantheon as well.
Classes started on Wednesday. Each group of students, the Architectural Engineering, the International Program in Nutrition and the Human Development and Family Studies ones, met their professors and had class in one of the facilities provided by the Pantheon Institute.
Wednesday was also the day we chose to organize the first of the extra-curricular activities we will be offering during the first Summer session. As a matter of fact, together with Professor Cheryl Cheek, w
The tour of the market was very interesting. The students were divided into small groups and each of them had to buy some of the ingredients we then used to prepare our lunch.
This visit was also a great occasion to know and get to talk with some of the dealers who proved to be very kind and even let some of the students go inside their stand so that they could really immerse themselves in the true atmosphere of the market!
The cooking class took place at the Santa Maria in Cappella residence and all of the 18 students actively helped out to prepare the classical menu we propose for this activity: rigatoni alla carbonara, valerian salad with pears, Parmesan cheese and walnuts and tiramisu. Our lunch was delicious, as always, and the students really enjoyed this experience.
This was only the first of the activities that the Pantheon Institute staff will organize for its students throughout the Summer session I: among the others, we will arrange a movie night, a soccer match and some Survival Italian classes with Alessia, our intern from Roma Tre.
We really hope the students will participate with interest and enthusiasm in our extracurricular activities!