Our students have lived in Rome for more than three months now and they managed to integrate themselves into the city’s social life very well. The last and most evident proof of this dates back to last Sunday: as a matter of fact, a conspicuous number of Pantheon Institute students went to the Olimpic stadium to watch the Roma-Atalanta soccer match on that day.

Those who know Italy a little bit, are aware of the fact that one of its most local "sights" is a soccer match. Winston Churchill said that Italians lose wars like soccer matches and soccer matches like wars; soccer, or calcio, is the national obsession. Everyone, regardless of age or social class, is an expert, quick with an opinion on a coach's lousy decision or a referee's unprofessional conduct.

Rome has two teams: Roma (representing the city) and Lazio (the region), and the rivalry is fanatic. When Romans are introduced, they ask each other, "Laziale o romanista?" The answer can compromise a relationship! Both Roma (jersey: yellow and red; symbol: she-wolf) and Lazio (jersey: light blue and white; symbol: imperial eagle) claim to be truly Roman.

Last Sunday, our students joined thousands of other Roma fans to watch the game that let the city’s team surpass Inter FC and become the leader of the Italian soccer championship.
Thanks to Roma’s victory, that Sunday turned into a real celebration which went on along the city streets and squares even after the game was over.
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