Probably th

e most intricate and thriving coffee cultures in the world would be that of Italy. Apart from having the best coffee beans available, baristas, and bar accessibility, they have all different ways to drink, order, and enjoy the espresso. As it might take some getting used to, living like a local Italian you will have coffee on the run. This is not to say that it is similar to the mocha carmel frappuccino with whipped cream Starbucks gives you in a paper cup to go. It is to say that it is a daily ritual, to stop into a bar by yourself or with a friend to drink a shot of espresso, cappuccino, or hot chocolate while standing up at the bar numerous times a day. So whenever you need a pick me up, stop into any BAR and you can enjoy a caffè made the Italian way:
Caffè – what we think of as “espresso”
Cappuccino – A shot of espresso with steamed milk in a small cup.

Caffè corretto – espresso with a dash of liquor
Caffè corto – A small concentrated shot of espresso
Caffè decaffeinato – decaffeinated shot of espresso
Caffè doppio – two shots of espresso “double”
Granita al caffè – blended caffè with ice and topped with whipped cream
Caffè macchiato – espresso with a dash of hot or cold milk
Caffè latte – hot milk with a tad of coffee added
Caffè lungo – espresso made with extra hot water, though small enough to serve in an espresso cup. (weak black coffee)
Caffè marocchino – a strong cappuccino with cocao on the bottom served in a glass
Caffè ristretto – A small concentrated shot of espresso (similar to that of “corto”)
Caffè solubile – instant coffee
Caffè Shakerato – espresso over ice with a dash of amaretto or liquor
You can also get your caffè…
Con la cremina – the barista mixes sugar into the first drops of caffè to make your cappuccino or caffè sweet and delicious
Caldo/Freddo – You can order your espresso hot or cold
Con panna – with whipped cream
Con cacao – with cocao
Macchiato/ schiumato – with a dash of milk or foam
In tazza bollente/fredda – In a hott cup/cold cup
In Vetro – In a glass cup
Al volo – On the fly